Mosquito MQTT Broker AddOn


I have installed latest HASSIO on a Pi 3 B+. Its all working fine. But now I installed the Mosquito Mqtt Broker AddOn 4.2 and wanted to configure it. But the save Button is not working. If I click on it there is no saving of my changes. If there is any bad in it there is a failure message. But If the code is correct it will not save. After restart Mosquito it will reset the config.

Is any facing same problem and solved it?

best regards


Hello Martin.

Did you try to save it step by step (after each small modification) ?
It could enable to isolate the wrong modification of the configuration.

Yes did it. Tested with only ohne character change. Also tried to change only from false to true to make sure my changes are not corrupt. The AddOn recognize the click on the Button but will not forward. I also tried Chrome and Mozilla to get sure its not a problem of the Browser. For the DuckDNS its working wir saving Config changes.

Did you stop it first.
Can’t make changes while it’s running

I found a solution. The config is not configurable, because of changes.

Now you have to set users and integrations over the webUI.

Now my ESPeasy is connected to the hassio mqtt but I cannot see incoming states from the sensor.
Have to check…

thank you for answering.