Most foolproof option for 433mhz transmitter

Hi all, I’ve read and read but am unable to work through the most compliant/fool-proof system (preferably minus soldering etc) for sending a 433mhz signal for these blinds.

I see it as three steps:

  1. Use remote to program blinds.
  2. Decode the signal sent by the remote for each blind to replicate the signal.
  3. Send the signal via a transmitter that is controlled by HASS

For simplicity (if it is more simple), I can do step 1 and 2 outside HASS via any receiving device. Can anyone recommend a methodology (I can find these online but want to ask unless there’s additional requirements for HASS)

Step 3 I’m looking for a recommendation for a device that’s user friendly (i.e. not arduino hobby boards unless this is needed). Essentially I need a device that can communicate with HASS (preferably directly/natively - although I can use MQTT if absolutely needed) and can transmit through walls and cover an entire house (i.e. approx 20m radius). I’ve really struggled to find a device that seems simple and HASS compatible so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated (noting I’ve seen the docs for HASS and it appears to send me to a dutch site and appear to be hobby boards with all sorts of soldering required!)


Have you looked at the broadlink RM Pro?

You can set the device to “learn” mode and capture your remote control commands then transfer them to HA and use them to have the broadlink transmit the signals.