Hey everyone, I’ve been troubleshooting for hours in the motionEye add on.
As it stands, when setting my movie encoding type to H.264 (or any of the optional formats) the motion capture will occur and the files will get written to their correct directories. However, they are unplayable in the home assistant media interface. The media viewer looks like this…
Furthermore, it will not play in native QuickTime on MacOS either, but the videos WILL play in VLC. If I enable movie passthrough all works perfectly but I lose my timestamps and frame change motion boxing.
In the motionEye logs, I get…
ERROR: failed to create movie preview for /share/motioneye/Camera1/02-15-2023/20-10: Command ‘[u’ffmpeg’, u’-i’, u’/share/motioneye/Camera1/02-15-2023/20-10’, u’-f’, u’mjpeg’, u’-vframes’, u’1’, u’-ss’, u’4’, u’-y’, u’/share/motioneye/Camera1/02-15-2023/20-10.thumb’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1
For context my build is Home Assistant Supervised on Debian 11. Any help is greatly appreciated.