MotionEye <IP>:8765 page will not open

I’ve been using Hassio to host my MotionEye cameras for a while now, but after a bit of ‘messing around’ with camera configurations I found the IP and port suddenly stopped working.
I don’t think it was anything I did, but as I was unable to find a way around the problem, I started from scratch, and downloaded the latest Hassio 32bit image (hassos_rpi3-2.11.img.gz) for my Pi3, and successfully fired it up.
I was able to import all my cameras, by going in through the ‘Open Web UI’ link from the MotionEye config page.
However, I’m now unable to connect to the page by going either through http://:8765 or http://hassio.local:8765/.
I suspect it’s something to do with the configuration, but as Hassio doesn’t have a backup/restore from network snapshot function, I no longer have the original configuration, and the default isn’t working.
I have tried changing: “ssl”: false, to allow for an un-secured connection, but that’s the limit of my current abilities.
Any help would be gratefully received.