Mounting Home Assistant in two houses, with two different equipments


Before mounting Home Assistant in two houses (main house and country house), I would like to ask one thing.

I want to mount in the main house a miniPC with Home Assitant, and in the country house a raspberry.

My idea is that Home Assitant, can select the house I want to manage, just like Home (from Google), or SmartThings (from Samsung) works, with a single account to manage both houses.

I intend to contract with Nabu to integrate Google Home, and in doing so, a single account will show the main house and field devices.

It’s a bit of a convoluted problem. If you need me to explain a bit more please comment.

Attached is a diagram of the situation.


Not sure what you want. If you mean " the app" it is possible to add multiple homeassistants in it and to select between them (swipe 3 fingers left or right).

What is “Clon”?
Look at the Zerotier add-on.


My initial idea is to have a single identical Home Assistant between the MiniPC in the main house and the Raspberry in the cottage (That’s what I mean by clone @stevemann).

I should have one machine in each house to detect devices in each zone, like solar panels and other things that require local IP address.

@sender How would that be done from the PC?


NabuCasa can, AFAIK, only handle one server per account.

A solution might be to make a connection directly between the two installation, like a VPN connection and then run Remote HA on them with the country house as a slave.
This setup will make main server able to see the entities in the country house and open those entities up to NabuCasa on the single account.
The country house HA should still be possible to set up as a second server for local access when in the country house.