Move from RPi4 to PC Debian Supervised

I am a happy Home Assistant user. HA is running supervised in RPi4. I have now 65 devices, of which 42 Zigbee under Deconz/Conbee II. My problem is that I do not believe in reliability of SD cards. They all will fail sooner or later. In addition, restarts and startups in RPi are very slow and its fan keeps a nasty buzz from time to time. So I want to move my installation to somewhere else.

I have a spare totally silent i3 PC. I installed Debian and HA supervised to it and it seems to run fine. It seems to be a good plan to move the control and Conbee to it.

I have tried to find clear and trustworthy information of how to do this transfer and migration. I do not wish to reprogram again all the automations. In some sources, just reloading the snapshot is sufficient, in some sources not.

Do you have experiences on similar migration projects?

I move to a VM recently. I just made snashopts in the superviser and restored them. The history and recorder module that use a sql db however, always failed.
Just yesterday I moved back to RPi4, but I left the databases on the VM host in docker containers. Thus, I have the data io operations on harddrives instead of the sd card.
I migrated the influxdb database from a local backup in the add-on container of the VM Guest to the new dockerized influxdb. I ran the new RPI4 instance parallel to the production VM instance, I verified that my new setup worked, shutdown the VM guest and changed the IP address of the RPi. Took me 11 hours, but ist working smoothly now!

Thanks Chris for this information! I use only the default sqlite database. Does that problem apply also to it?

Kind of… The db file in the config folder gets also compromised from time to time.
If you don’t use the db for analysis of long term trends you just can delete the db file and a new one is automatically created.

I did the move. I expected troubles, but there were none. I made a selective snapshot (excluded RPi specific addons), shutdown the RPi, uploaded the snapshot to Debian. Everything worked. The SQLite database is functioning, no history lost. So easy.