Moving/Building new house Aug 2022

Hello there,
Yes I am a bold one. :wink: I am moving/building a new house in august. I would like some input and perhaps inspiration for what to add to my house

Some background
The house is being built in Ecuador. Amazon does not exist here, however I can order SMALL things from the states.

I have been using HA for around 6 years so pretty familiar with it.

They sell many tuya products here and I am using the local tuya HACS Addon which is awesome. Once I figured out how to use it.

I have RF smart switches sonoff flashed tasmota switches hue and some smart tvs and some esphome sensors

My thoughts are to get some shelly Shelly 1L because I am not sure how neutral will play out. For lights beyond my hue.

Anything else you would want or can think of. All ideas are good ideas.

Thanks in advance.

Aren’t you building the house/paying someone to build to your spec? You can know or request exactly how ground will work out cant you?

That is my goal is to ask them to run neutral but this being Ecuador and it is not very common they may say that they can’t or won’t run it. The house being built is based on a predesign. I have some say in changes but some of it cannot be changed due to laws and other issues.

I assume this was case

Shelly is great choice

Thanks for the confirmation. Makes it an easier decision

Also thinking about door looks, but not really sure where I want to go with that. Bluetooth is available here or Tuya, which not sure I want a cloud door lock that seems like giving someone else the keys. Not sure about zwave.