I have a handful of remote home assistants instances I support - their retrospective users are configured with the user role too. This means they can’t break stuff.
My challenge is getting their passwords, or updating them.
I am looking to provide a UI template text helper password (not encrypted I know), so that I can reference it in their configuration.yaml. Users can update their passwords and saves me logging on to a shared terminal so they can enter via my account.
Question: Do all integrations support YAML and/or to be able to configure it via Configuration.yaml? Also, am I able to configure just password, and the rest via UI?
Hoping to achieve end result like this:
password: "{{ states('input_text.test_integration_password') }}"
The configuration.yaml options are not available on the documentation for most integrations, and was hoping I could pull the name/variables from ‘core.config_entries’ but doesn’t appear to be there unless I’m blind.
Any one know an answer to my question, or an alternative solution to my challenge?
Thanks all,