Moving helper from one dashboard to another

I used the generic thermostat to create what I think is a helper. It got placed on the default overlook dashboard. I now either want to move it to a new dashboard I am creating or if that’s not possble, duplicate it so it’s on both dashboards.

What’s the best approach, and if it’s to move it, how do I do that. I can’t figure out how to move things from one dashboard to another.


Do not use auto-generated dashboards.

So I’ve shot myself in the foot at this point?

Kind of)
Auto-generated dashboards are not meant to be fully customized.
Probably, you can have same entity in more than one auto-generated dashboard, have no idea…

I would say you have just arrived at the next step in your HA journey, custom designed dashboard.

If there isn’t some blood and pain, your not making progress.:slightly_smiling_face:

I can’t remember what happens when you take over an auto generated dashboard.
If you get to keep the current setup, then you can click the card and edit it, then switch to YAML mode, which should be in the three dots.
Copy everything there and go to the other dashboard and insert a manual card and paste the copied YAML code in there.

I tried adding the generic thermostat helper again after starting a new dashboard but it added to the default dashboard again.

I’m not understanding why it seems there’s no placement control. Do I really have to give up having the default dashboard enabled to gain the ability to control which dashboard some elements get placed on?

From the behavior I just saw, I’m not even sure turning off the default dashboard would give me the ability to place this generic thermostat on the dashboard of my choosing.

I do not think HA is meant to run with both the auto-generated dashboard and a custom configured one.

Okay I’ll give it a try. Can you point me to where I need to go to turn off the whole idea of a default dashboard. I’ll turn it off and see what I can do from that point on.

Thanks again for the assist

Sorry, it has been years since I took the jump and today I am running Lovelace_gen, so I am in permanent YAML-only mode.