Hey guys,
I decided to move from my tinkerboard to an old laptop i have hanging around.
It is a i5-2450 with 8gb ram and an 128gb ssd.
First question is:
Does that sound like an OK machine to move my HA installation on?
Plus, any pointers towards using a laptop instead of an NUC?
Secondly, I have studied the forums and found lots of options as to how i should install hassio.
I cant quite understand which one i should follow in order to maintain the add-on options.
I am leaning towards something like this (docker/ubuntu), but i cant seem to figure out which version of linux i should pick and install before docker.
Which image should i pick for my case? the NUC one?
Also i would like to set up an sql (or maria db) server and optionally a kodi and a pihole (if that’s how it’s called when it’s not on a pi) instance (or docker containers - i dont know what are the right terms)
If anyone could give me a couple of pointers to get me started that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
This sounds like a great machine to run HA on, should be powerful enough for most things you throw at it. In addition a laptop is always a good choicr as it has built-in UPS.
I’d go with the official documentation here for install on generic linux. This will allow to use add-ons but still give you full control over the host system. I use Ubuntu server but you can choose whatever linux you like.
You could use the mariadb add-on and pihole add-on. I would not install Kodi on the same machine, it’s possible but I wouldn’t mix it because if Kodi fails for some reason your Home Automation System probably fails as well.
hahaha a little too late
I already installed it, and it’s going fine so far.
Trying to access the hassio dirs from outside docker now in order to move my backups there…cant seem to get the permissions right