I am moving from a docker based HA installation to a HAOS installation on a dedicated Odroid M1. I know I can backup my ZHA config, and I know I can migrate the radio, import the backup made before etc.
While that picks up the ZHA devices themselves, I would like to also have:
“User friendly” name of the devices (I had renamed them on the old instance)
The HA Core restore will get everything you want. do yourself a favor and make sure ZHA is configured to use the BY-ID address to your stick, not the ttyUSB or ACM0 address. The by id address identifies a single device whereas the other virtualize your com ports and can move around on you - and are not guaranteed the same between installs. Make sure that works NOW, that way when you restore a backup of this configuration - , it will easily find the usb stick by hardware ID unless it’s not electrically connected, regardless what port it’s physically in.
Is there a way to “selectively” only restore exactly the components I mentioned?
I kind of want to start fresh with the other config files/integrations, it’s just the pieces I mentioned that I want to maintain because the ZHA network and its renamed devices/groups is really the largest chunk of work I’m trying to avoid.
A HASS backup is really just a UNIX tar gzip archive file (containing other archives of specific components), so you can rename it xxx.tgz, expand it, alter the contents, and re-compress it.
I’ve done this to remove large /media files which once caused a restore to fail, but it depends on your experience (greybeard sysadmin here! ).
If course, if the restore isn’t what you want, you can wipe, alter, and restore again.
Hi… I’m in a situation where i have had a HA VM for a few years and i’m starting afresh with a new HA VM and manually building it from scratch so I can eradicate any old unused code, orphan devices & testing etc.
But I just want to retain and move my ZHA setup and my 30+ Zigbee devices using the name entity names and the same Zigbee stick (Conbee II). Considering that I’m using the same Zigbee stick, is there a way to backup/restore my ZHA setup? Is it a matter of just copying over the zigbee.db, zigbee.db-shm and zigbee.db-wal files? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks