MQ-2 cheap smoke detector (with MQTT)?

Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone had realized, even for personal use, an inexpensive smoke (gas) detector that uses MQTT to communicate with Home Assistant.
For the purpose I found an “MQ-2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor” on Aliexpress, but with regard to the software side I did not find anything online (at least not within the reach of a newbee like me).

It seems to me a good idea to be implemented, especially for technology enthusiasts who have many devices on constantly.

Do you have any suggestions?

You are probably missing the “magic word” in your search: ESP8266 :wink:

Try this link:


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I’m using a NodeMCU to read from a MQ2 among other things (control a switch, a relay, read temp/humidity/pressure, a pir, and a buzzer) all via MQTT, there are lots of examples out there :slight_smile: Google is your friend :smiley:

Check mysensor website too, there is plenty of docs and exemples regarding such DIY sensor nodes

Hi guys, I bought nodemcu and sensors from Aliexpress, I let you know as soon as I have a way to test it :slight_smile:

Did you had sucess with the smoke sensor ?
any tip ?

I bought the components but I still have to assemble them. I will keep you informed in this topic :slight_smile: