I see quite a few posts on this topic. After studying all, I still am no closer to solving it.
I want to publish auto-discovery info from switches etc from a separate Node-RED system, to register switches etc. The example below is for an irrigation system built on Node-RED.
“device”:{“identifiers”:“14253c35”,“manufacturer”:“Raspberry Pi”,“model”:“RPi 3 Model B Rev 1.2”,“name”:“rh02”}
When publishing the above, nothing happens. I tried it with auto-discovery set in the configuration.yaml, and without - as the documentation says it is on by default.
I also tested the message with the topic on Configuration > Integration > MQTT > CONFIGURE > Publish a packet on the topic, and listening to it - it does publish.
Using Developer Tools > Services, I published your payload to the desired discovery topic. The only difference is that I changed its name because I happen to already have a switch.garden entity.
service: mqtt.publish
topic: homeassistant/switch/Irrigation/config
payload_template: >
{"name":"Garden Test",
"device":{"identifiers":"14253c35","manufacturer":"Raspberry Pi","model":"RPi 3 Model B Rev 1.2","name":"rh02"}
The entity was instantly created and displayed in Developer Tools > States:
So the good news is that there’s nothing wrong with the payload’s structure. Try repeating the steps I just described and see if it works for you as well.
2021-03-22 23:13:29 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery] Component has already been discovered: switch Irrigation, sending update
2021-03-22 23:13:29 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins] Got update for entity with hash: (‘switch’, ‘Irrigation’) ‘{‘name’: ‘Garden’, ‘command_topic’: ‘homie/rh02/L1/set’, ‘state_topic’: ‘homie/rh02/L1’, ‘device’: {‘identifiers’: ‘14253c35’, ‘manufacturer’: ‘Raspberry Pi’, ‘model’: ‘RPi 3 Model B Rev 1.2’, ‘name’: ‘rh02’}, ‘platform’: ‘mqtt’}’
According to the log it looks like it should appear in Devices & Entities, but does not?
You may have misunderstood the purpose of the exercise. The goal was to confirm the payload’s validity. What is used to publish the payload is not important; Developer Tools > Services is just a handy way to do it. Now you can use whatever you want, including Node-Red, to publish the corrected payload.
Be advised that for the purpose of this exercise I did not publish the payload as a retained message but, for production use, you should. If you don’t, the discovered entity will disappear after Home Assistant restarts.
I cannot seam to replicate the creation of a device & entity - like I am - with your help - do it with ** Developer Tools > Services ** - with an MQTT message from Node-RED.
Node-RED creates the Entity, but not the Device. Here is my Node-RED mqtt message again:
You have misunderstood the purpose of the Solution tag. It is for marking the post that answers/resolves the original question/problem. It helps other users who are seeking answers to similar questions. The original problem was the device was not created and I identified, and explained, the cause to be a malformed payload (wrong value type). You had correctly marked that post as containing the Solution.
Subsequently you tagged another post as the Solution but it neither identifies nor explains anything (in fact, it asks another question related to Node-Red).
unique_id is not required for MQTT Discovery. The proof is that I didn’t use it and the entity was created (see screenshot above). That option serves a completely different purpose, entirely unrelated as to whether an entity is created (or not) via MQTT Discovery.
To be clear, where it is required is for associating it to a device. However, that’s a separate issue from MQTT Discovery (and not everyone needs discovered entities to be associated with a device). Anyway, that’s a separate issue from the original question.
For future reference, when you post JSON strings in this forum, it’s important to format them correctly. Every one of your posts contains malformed JSON because it uses fancy quotes instead of standard quotes. It makes it tedious for anyone trying to help you because they first have to correct all the quotes before they can use it for testing purposes.
When you paste code or JSON strings, format it using the </> icon in Editor’s menu.
Dear @123, without your help, I would definitely not bing able to solve this. And, I was also learning the problem as I was learning the solution. You are correct, it did work for one entity - without the unique_id -= it was when I escalated the solution to its extent I wanted - which I did not know at the beginning, adding more entities that I realised that one needs it.
And you are correct, I should probably have closed this request, and opened a new one - because your solution was the right ons - for that question (prior to throwing more entities at it).
I apologies.
Also, thanks for the pointers on show in json - did not know that !
I started with HASS 2 weeks ago - have put in tonnes of hours to get going, have scratched the config 4 times already, so busy ramping up my knowledge - for HASS - I am a NOOB!!!
Apologies again - and thank you for steering me to the right solution.
Don’t forget to mark the correct post with the Solution tag. At the moment, the post you have marked as the Solution (post #8) doesn’t actually contain a solution.