MQTT depreciation notice with latest releases

For the last couple of release I’ve been getting warnings:

2021-04-18 16:02:26 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Using ‘value_template’ for ‘position_topic’ is deprecated and will be removed from Home Assistant in version 2021.6, please replace it with ‘position_template’

Sadly, I do not have the backgound to understand any of that. ( EE backgound)

It may be one of these, but I don’t know how to determine that or how to fix it.

sensor weewx:
  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'weather/barometer_inHg'
    name: 'Barometer'
    unit_of_measurement: 'inHG'
    value_template: '{{ value|round(1) }}'


switch china:
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "china light"
    command_topic: "home/OpenMQTTGateway315/commands/MQTTto315"
    payload_on: "11083267"
    payload_off: "11083266"
    retain: true
sensor back_garage:
  platform: mqtt
  state_topic: 'home/rtl_433/back'
  name: 'Back Garage Temperature'
  unit_of_measurement: '°C'

thank you

It is none of those.

The warning message says that it is a position_template in an mqtt cover entity configuration.


Either you manually defined an MQTT Cover or it was automatically discovered. Either way, Home Assistant appears to believe you have one.

Go to Developer Tools > States and type this:
in the Entity column.

If you have one, it will be shown.

Turns out the mqtt integration had automatically discovered a “cover” for a Wyze cam I used shortly last year. It broke but was not removed from the integrations. That is why I could not find it; it was not in my configuration.yaml.

thank you all !

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