I have a correctly installed HomeAssistant ( 0.112.4) running in Docker with a separate Mosquitto instance, also running in Docker. They have their own static IP addresses. within the house are a large number of Sonoff/Tasmota devices. These are configured using autodiscovery, and work fine.
I now need to configure a MQTT device with a couple of switch and sensors. I want to be able to control a custom application that will be running on a Raspberry Pi.
The ‘Entity’ refuses to appear in HA. I can get the devices (switch and sensor) to appear, but the DEVICE refuses to appear.
This is the latest iteration of the config. What is wrong with it, please?
Many thanks, and sorry if this post contains too much/not enough information.
port: 1883
discovery: true
discovery_prefix: homeassistant
- platform: mqtt
unique_id: = 12345711
name: "paho2/switch"
state_topic: "paho2/RESULT"
command_topic: "cmnd/paho2/POWER"
identifiers: ["12345641"]
manufacturer: "Raspberry"