I have Smartthings-MQTT-Bridge setup and the ST presence detection setup to track if I’m home or not. It can publish present/not present status to MQTT. I don’t see how to properly setup the payload in HASS.
The payloads required by HASS for presence detection are different than those supplied by the smartthings-to-mqtt bridge. So I have an automation like this to handle that translation…
The end result of this is that I have another MQTT topic at /location/Daniel that has the expected HASS payloads in it. The rest of my HASS setup uses /location/Daniel instead of /smartthings/Daniel/presence/state.
I can’t get this to work. I added the automation piece and that shows automation.smartthings_presence_detection on. Also I can see smartthings/John’s Phone/presence/cmd and smartthings/John’s Phone/presence/set_state in the subscribing logs, but the sensor never shows in HA. Any ideas?