Mqtt: domoticz voltcraft CO2 sensor in Home Assistant [SOLVED]

Hey you all,

I need some help with MQTT: I have a voltcraft USB airquality sensoer connected to a R-Pi running Domoticz and I have this Domoticz configured to send it through MQTT:

I have Mosquito installed on a Different R-Pi and it sees my domoticz sensor:

The following I wanted to add to my configuration.yaml:

  - name: "air_quality"
    state_topic: "homeassistant/18/state"
    unit_of_measurement: "ppm"
    icon: "mdi:hvac"
    value_template: "{{value_json.airquality}}"

I have it thus far that MQTT receives the mqtt message:

When reloading the YAML I get this as warning:


Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 144: ‘name’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->name Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 145: ‘state_topic’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->state_topic Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 146: ‘unit_of_measurement’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->unit_of_measurement Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 147: ‘icon’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->icon Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration.yaml, line 148: ‘value_template’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->value_template

What am I doing wrong here?

UPDATE: I changed the yaml to:

     - name: "air_quality"
       state_topic: "homeassistant/18/state"
       unit_of_measurement: "ppm"
       icon: "mdi:hvac"
       value_template: "{{value_json.airquality}}"

there are no errors anymore but I also am getting no readings, the entity remains unknown

can anyone helpo me with this?

value_template: "{{value_json.concentration}}"

Try this. airquality doesn’t appear in the json in your picture

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Yes, it started working straigth away! :slightly_smiling_face:

Now I want to assign it a unique ID and a room, or can I better make a template sensor that takes it’s data from the original one?