MQTT help required

Hi All,

I am trying to monitor various temperatures around my central heating boiler - a project that I’d like to submit to the projects section in the forum.

I have a separate Raspberry Pi connected to a number of DS18B20 temperature probes (let’s call this Pi2).

On Pi2 I have set up an MQTT broker and using node red to publish the temperatures.

Pi1 is my HASSIO setup and I have added the MQTT integration and set discovery to ON.

I am not seeing any devices discovered but when I go to dev tools/mqtt I can listen to the topics sent by Pi2 and they are showing the correct temperature data…

I have tried lots of things suggested on the forum and followed may video tutorials on this subject but basically hit a brick wall and I don’t know where I’m going wrong.

I had hoped that I could see or configure devices but obviously something is wrong with my setup.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure what configuration information would be useful to any helpers so I’ll wait for the questions - if any!

Thanks in advance.


I don’t think they will be auto discovered, try to use an MQTT sensor

Since you can go to Dev tools -> mqtt and listen, show use some examples of what you receive.

Hi, thanks for the replies.

Burningstone - that’s a great idea, I will try that in the next few mins and report back.

francisp - see screenshot…

Hi Burningstone - that worked!

Thank you so much, you wouldn’t believe how much time and frustration this caused me.

Perhaps you meant to mark Burningstone’s post as the Solution instead of your own?

Burningstone’s post contains the information that helped to resolve the problem. If someone has a similar question and needs the answer, they should be led to his post.

Yes I did want to mark that solution - sorry, should I click the solution on his post then?

OK done that now - thanks

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Thanks for your help Francis but I think it’s fixed now.