MQTT Lights with brightness control

Hi All,

I’m using wink-mqtt running on my rooted wink-hub to control my luton dimmers. With this configuration the hub exposes only the brightness of a device (0-255). So turning it on consists of setting the desired brightness level (for example set 255 to the topic “home/1/1/set”). So I don’t have separate topics for on/off and brightness control.

I tried using the example in the wiki with the brightness topic set to the same as the state topic. Unfortunately in this case the light doesn’t behave right; first it dims then it immediately goes full bright.

  • platform: mqtt
    name: my_light
    state_topic: “home/1/1/get”
    command_topic: “home/1/1/set”
    payload_on: “0”
    payload_off: “255”
    optimistic: true
    brightness_state_topic: “home/1/1/get”
    brightness_command_topic: “home/1/1/set”
    brightness_scale: 255
    brightness_value_template: ‘{{ value }}’
    qos: 0

I tried some things like creating a new topic for the brightness and trying to use that value as the payload_on. No luck though. Any guidance how I should handle this? I also tried setting the payload_on to light.my_light.brightness_command_topic



Wink-mqtt has been updated now with Lutron support. Update your wink-mqtt.js file from the github link and also, you don’t need ‘get’. For the topics, just use ‘home/1/1’.

Here is what one of my lights looks like:

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Kitchen Light”
    state_topic: “wink/28/1”
    command_topic: “wink/28/1/set”
    brightness_state_topic: “wink/28/1”
    brightness_command_topic: “wink/28/1/set”
    payload_on: “255”
    payload_off: “0”
    retain: true

my conf looks the same as yours except for different Ids, but when i dim it dims then goes directly back to the value set for payload_on. Is this still working for you?

Maybe there was an update to the hub? I’m not sure, but this never happened to me. I got rid of my Wink awhile ago though because I didn’t need it anymore.