So it looks like this is a problem with my sketch of siddy/flora
I downloaded mqtttest app for iOS and connected to my nas-mqtt and listened for flora topics, then test ran my esp32 and nothing was picked up.
The screen shots show the siddy/flora working but does not seem like anything got through.
My thoughts are that the siddy flora code requires a username and password and I have not and cannot work out how to set these up on the mosquito package for synology.
If I use the mqtttest app and publish to topic “test” and subscribe to it I can see this come through so would appear mqtt is working but I cannot get anything from subscribing to flora.
Broker is a typo I’m just on my phone and can’t copy code on iOS app.
The code I linked to is the initial file I have added my MAC address and my ip for mqtt. In the serial monitor it shows it finds and connects just odd that I cannot see anything come through when I subscribe to flora on mqtttest app.