MQTT RGB Light change brightness of picked color

I think it would be nice to pick a color, and then be able to adjust the brightness of that color with the slider.
Right now on my MQTT light, I can pick any color, but when I change the brightness of the light, it changes to white.
As I see it, it’s fairly straight forward.
1). Convert selected RGB to HSV
2). Set slider value to V (probably in a range of 0-255)
3). When the slider is adjusted, take the value selected, and do a HSV to RGB, and display the RGB color on the light.

The beauty here is that it would work with white, right away, as well as adjusting the brightness of colors.

I was able to implement this on my esp8266 board, using the proposed steps above. When a color is picked the slider in the light card jumps to the relative position, and then you can adjust the brightness value accordingly.