MQTT sensor incorrect type error

I’ve just created an MQTT sensor in configuration.yaml by means:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - sensor:
      name: "PROVA"
      state_topic: "/test/topic"

It works but, in the configuration.yaml file I see this:

Any idea ?
Thanks in advance

I assume you’re using the ‘Studio Code Server’ addon?
This addon always shows errors where there are none.
The problem is, if you don’t know , are the errors correct or not.
Thats why i disabled it a long time ago.
If your code works and the ‘CHECK CONFIGURATION’ in Dev Tools does not complain, just ignore them.

I’m using Studio Code Server.
Is there any better editor ?

The problem isn’t the editor, VSCode is really the only Software that i like from M$. :laughing:
It’s the Home Assistant Extension in it.