MQTT sensors data empty

Hi, yesterday was my first day with Home Assistant (works as a virtual machine) and I can’t handle displaying data from the temperature and humidity sensor (BME280). The sensor publishes the data to the Mosquitto server, which is installed on another computer on the LAN. My configuration is as follows:



  port: 1883          #by default 

  client_id: home-assistant-1 

  keepalive: 60

  username: mqttuser

  password: <mypassword>

  protocol: 3.1      #by default


- platform: mqtt

  state_topic: "/room1/serwerownia/temp1"

  name: "Temperatura - Serwerownia"

  qos: 0

  unique_id: ‘12644’

  unit_of_measurement: "°C"

  #value_template: '{{ value_json.temperature }}'

- platform: mqtt

  state_topic: "/room1/serwerownia/hum1"

  name: "Wilgotność - Serwerownia"

  unique_id: ‘12645’

  qos: 0

  unit_of_measurement: "%"

  #value_template: '{{ payload }}'

I found a possibility to call the mqtt.publish command in development tools, so I checked if HA is communicating with the MQTT broker, I published the package to /room1/server/temp1 and it reached other clients.

Could you help because I don’t really know what could be wrong?

Two guesses.

Guess 1

Non-ASCII quotes

you copied what I call “Mac” quotes above, where as here, you have “standard quotation marks”:

Guess 2

I’m not sure how well HA or any interconnected clients handle Unocode characters

So I would try standardise the “quotation marks” and maybe use the smaller Latin letters (for lack of a better term)

I used this and the problem solved, thanks! I don’t know how I could have missed such a stupid thing :slight_smile: