Mqtt state publishing

Raspberry PI 3 B+ / HASSIO Ver.1.1 / Konnected / Amazon Fire 7 inch Tablet / Thanks Mister app Version 0.8.5 (I am using those components and HASSIO for a alarm system only.)

Hi dear, hear it is,I can arm the alarm system (arm home/arm away) from the tablet app and i can trigger the alarm, siren turns on, no problem, also i can disarm the alarm with the alarm code and the siren turns off, all good.

The problem is the app is not displaying the red alarm screen if triggered, the “state_topic” is not publishing “triggered”. I can publish “triggered” in the developer mqtt option manual and the app display’s the red screen no problem. One other thing is that the siren does not time out.

Some help would be greatly appreciated.


  • platform: manual_mqtt
    state_topic: home/alarm
    command_topic: home/alarm/set
    command_payloads: ARM_HOME, ARM_AWAY, DISARMED
    publish_topic: home/alarm
    publish_payloads: disarmed, armed_away, armed_home, pending, triggered
    payload_disarm: DISARM
    payload_arm_home: ARM_HOME
    payload_arm_away: ARM_AWAY
    code: ****
    pending_time: 30
    delay_time: 20
    trigger_time: 120
    trigger_time: 0
    pending_time: 0
    delay_time: 0
    pending_time: 0
    payload_available: online
    payload_not_available: offline

I am sorry, my preformatted text entry option is for some reason not working correctly!