? MQTT User

hello guys,
is it a need to ad for each topic a user in home assistant ? where each user is connected to its topic and where in mqtt can this be done ?? I am totally confused about this …
what drives me crazy is that I find nowhere a discription ,how to publish a topic, is therefore a fax somewhere :((
i am totally new to this stuff

thanks in advance Rtax

You need one user to connect to your broker, and that broker must know that user.

It is simply an action

  - data:
      payload: '14163857'
      topic: home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoSRFB
    service: mqtt.publish


what the heck is this ? looks like some code , where can I find this , as I said im a rookie to ha …

  • data:
    payload: ‘14163857’
    topic: home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoSRFB
    service: mqtt.publish

thank you a lot for your patience :slight_smile:

it is an example from one of my automations

ok :slight_smile:
where do I find this code ??? where to put it ?? help thx

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