flamingm, by “switch” do you mean the tasmota board itself? I am very new so the lingo still confuses me a bit. I have different tasmotas set up. The CuartoVale at one point did work with mqtt via HA. I haven’t made ANY changes to that set up since, so I can only assume that set up is correct.
I have about 5 tasmotas. If I go to their console, then reboot the raspberry pi. I can see how it disconnects, LEDs start blinking, every 10 seconds it retries, and eventually I get a connected message to To test at one point I changed the pw stored on the tasmota for mqtt user and I could see how it gets rejected.
David thank you for your support. Thanks to your advice I am now verifying code first, then restarting HA from the configuration restart option. Before I was doing a full system reboot via hass.io system reboot. Which not only gave me lots of boot ups with no web ui (hence so many fresh installs), but also took MUCH longer to restart.
I am running a hassio install on a rbp pi. I am using the built in mosquito add on (not the native mqtt which might have been taken out by now, but did read on of the literature). I took your advice, took the mqtt section out of the yaml and did the integration via config/integrations. Restarted HA and I could again see the Luz Cuarto Vale slider. But if I slide to turn on the light, stays there for a couple of seconds then slides back.
As for the HA user for MQTT not sure I follow you here. Is the advantage of doing it that way is not to have the user name and password visible in the add on config file or there is more to it? Do the tasmotas then log in using that HA user credentials?
I am trying to get over this hump as I am now panicking a bit. I have to have this done by Jan 4th the very latest, cause it is my gfs surprise xmas present, and she comes back on the 5th. Once I have everything “working” I do plan to follow good instructions on how to back up often, how to use the ssh, how to use the secrets file, etc.
I also followed your instructions for the switch part. Took out the switch section of the code, and did setoption12 1 on tasmota… now I have no idea what you mean about being able to see “switch.xxxxx in the entitites”. I have been scanning in both the tasmota options and the HA menus, and I can’t seem to find anything that reads entities