I’m new to home assistant, but it seems good. I’ve found with the Qubino ZMNHBDx Flush 2 Relays unit I bought, that the device naming is behaving oddly, and the entities under the devices don’t seem right.
It created 3 devices, each with a switch under it, and some other sensors. There are actually only two relays, the extra device just turns both the real ones on.
For some reason, the one with _2 at the end, us under a device where everything else has _3 on the end. The switches entities are all jumbled up. How can I fix this? Or is it actually right?
Also, for one of these, I renamed the device, and all the entity names under it got tidied up too. This didn’t seem to happen with the other two. Any thoughts why?
It created 3 devices, each with a switch under it, and some other sensors. There are actually only two relays, the extra device just turns both the real ones on.
The Flush 2 is a Z-Wave multi-channel device. In HA the instances of multi-channel nodes are treated as separate “Devices”, that is the intended design. One of the uses of Devices is that they can be assigned to an area. For example, in this case one of the switches could control a light outside, the other switch could control a light in your living room. If it were a single Device you could not assign different areas to each switch. For a primer on multi-channel devices, you could read this.
Also, for one of these, I renamed the device, and all the entity names under it got tidied up too. This didn’t seem to happen with the other two
Because Device renaming only propagates to the Device’s child entities. Since there are separate devices, you’ll either need to rename the other devices as well, or directly rename the entities.
As far as this goes, I think the naming occurs based on the order the entities are discovered. The name is determined basically via a pattern of <domain>.<node_name>_<value_label>, and any duplicates with the same name have a number appended.
In the case of multiple devices, HA could possibly be a bit smarter with that and group them by instance number in addition to the other values.
Hi mate, thanks for getting back to me about this.
In the case of the device names, I did try renaming the separate devices, only one of them seems to have sent it’s name down to the child entities though. They all took the device name, only one passed this to the children.
For the seemigly jumbled up switches, should I say, rename switch_3 to switch_4 which doesn’t exist, then I can put switch 3 in it’s proper place and so on?
Maybe there’s a a bug with renaming the non-root instance of the device.
You can rename the entities to whatever you want (within the rules). I give my entities descriptive names using the room they are in, I haven’t needed to use any numbers.