Multi purpose button

Can anyone out there help me with a problem?
I am looking for an icon / button which I can use for multi-purposes. One is to toggle heating on and off, but also display whether it is on or off…?
It should also be fairly small…

Kind of impossible to hard to understand whether you are asking for a virtual button on a dashboard or a *physical hardware button. Icon, sure, that sounds like something on a dashboard. But small? “All” virtual buttons can be any size you want so…

It is not very difficult to create an input_boolean helper and hook up an automation to it to do what you want, all from the visual editor in the UI. A slightly more powerful solution would be a template entity switch but that definitely would require some level of YAML programming.

I am setting up a Dashboard. At present I have 4 cards displaying the temps in my 4 main rooms. I would like to create a button which if the heating is switched on automatically it will indicate this. Also if the heating is not on I could press this and it would switch it on and indicate that…
This would be one of 4 buttons, running on my Phone each with different functions…