Multiple command_line switches shows command_state of first switch

I am configuring two switches using command_line platform.

  platform: command_line
      command_on: "./setget set 0 0 1"
      command_off: "./setget set 0 0 0"
      command_state: "./setget get 0 0"
      value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'
      friendly_name: Kitchen Lightswitch

      command_on: "./setget set 0 1 1"
      command_off: "./setget set 0 1 0"
      command_state: "./setget get 0 0"
      value_template: '{{ value == "1" }}'
      friendly_name: Hall Lightswitch

if i try to turn on Hall Lightswitch its going back to OFF state. If Kitchen Lightswitch was ON and I tries to turn ON Hall Lightswitch it stays in ON state. Can anybody help?

You have the same command_state and value_template for both switches.
What do you expect?

:joy::joy::joy: Yeah … Typo… ruined my 2 days… Found already… Working now with multiple switch configurations. Thank you… and sorry for wasting your time.