I have build a controller for wiegand fingerprint reader and relay for door lock, but now I have some difficulties getting them in via MQTT auto discovery. The fingerprint reader is mapped as a standart “sensor” (sending ID card/fingerprint ID#) and relay is exposed as a “lock”.
Currently I’m sending 2 MQTT discovery messages therefore my single device is mapped as a 2 devices in device registry. This is not a big issue… The problem starts with the availability topic, that is same for both of them, but works only for one. The other device is always exposed as offline.
Is there a way, how to pack the 2 types, expose them as 1 hardware and use the same availability topic?
My current topics setup (names should be self explaining)
- homeassistant/frontdoor_controller/available
- homeassistant/sensor/frontdoor_controller_fingerprint/card
- homeassistant/lock/frontdoor_controller_lock/status
- homeassistant/lock/frontdoor_controller_lock/set
and the MQTT discovery messages are then sent to - homeassistant/sensor/frontdoor_controller_fingerprint/config
- homeassistant/lock/frontdoor_controller_lock/config
I’d really like to have both of them controlled by the single availability topic because it works just nice using the MQTT last will message.