I’m wondering what is going the best way about this. We have multiple doors in our house. Garage, Front door, side door, patio door etc. WHen a door opens it triggers a sonos speaker to tell us what door was just opened as a notification.
SOmetimes with guest coming over, or maybe its late at night, i don’t want these notifications to play. What is the best way to approach this. Can you have a group of these devices but have just one automation rule (right now i have one rule per door) and is there some way to have it say different things if used in a group?
I keep thinking there must be a way to better do this instead of trading each one individually and having the same alerts etc.
something like this?
- platform: state
- cover.kitchen_door
- cover.front_door
to: open
condition: []
- service: tts.speak
cache: true
media_player_entity_id: media_player.study_sonos
message: "{{ trigger.to_state.name }} just opened"
entity_id: tts.google_en_com
you can then disable this at times you dont’ want by modifying the condition section, or adding a switch or whatever.
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Ahhh thank you… it was the {{ trigger.to_state.name }} i didn’t know about! I think this should work, ty!
You can group your curtains using a helper as well…
I use this I want all of them closed or open. For your application ,Armedad’s approach allows you to receive the specific curtain which seems optimal.
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