Multiple ESP8266 on MQTT not working

Hi, guys!

I have been playing with a couple of ESP8266 NodeMCU. Currently I have three set up with a servo connected. I am using MQTT to communicate with Mosquitto that I have configured on my RPi.

Every single one is working perfect when they are powered alone, but once I connect another one, the already working stops working.

Been googling like crazy, but can not find anything helpfull…
Every chip has its own client id so I guess that could not be the problem.

Any help?

Best regards

Oh boy…

Sorry guys! Just a rookie not understanding basic coding… Only took a extra 21 minutes before I figured it out. Sorry if I bother someone hehe.

It was just the client ids :’)

Untill next time!

You’re in good company. That one took me a few days to figure out (I hasten to add that wasn’t full time).

Hi Petrepa… facing similar issue… can you pls elaborate on your solution? Appreciate your help

Your clients all need UNIQUE IDs or it will freak MQTT out. Make sure every device that communicates to the broker has a UNIQUE ID.