There is a small bug and I wasn’t sure how to categorize it in order to report it properly. I followed the directions which worked great. Using those instructions you can add multiple cameras and using the included example HA assigns numbers to each additional camera after the first without the user specifying it.
- host:
- audio_connections
- battery_level
- battery_temp
- battery_voltage
- light
- motion
- pressure
- proximity
- sound
- video_connections
- exposure_lock
- ffc
- focus
- gps_active
- motion_detect
- night_vision
- overlay
- torch
- whitebalance_lock
- video_recording
- host:
username: "myuser"
password: "mypass"
- audio_connections
- battery_level
- battery_temp
- battery_voltage
- light
- motion
- pressure
- proximity
- sound
- video_connections
- exposure_lock
- ffc
- focus
- gps_active
- motion_detect
- night_vision
- overlay
- torch
- whitebalance_lock
- video_recording
The problem comes in when I add the cameras to the dashboard by identity using the visual editor. Unfortunately after I add the camera to the dashboard it defaults to the first camera even when I select the second. I did find a workaround that makes it work by editing it in code editor and changing
entity: camera.ip_webcam
entity: camera.ip_webcam_2
Another field camera_image: camera.ip_webcam_2 does not default back to camera_image: camera.ip_webcam so it appears to be a single field.
I believe this in an error in the visual editor because after I manually edit using code editor it works as expected. Hopefully I explained this completely. I’m perfectly happy to report this bug in the proper category if indeed others believe this is a bug rather then user error. I think “Frontend” is the proper category.