Multiple zigbee coordinators

I have currently a HA installation running on pi5, with a Sonoff zigbee stick and a couple of zigbee devices in my home, using MQTT and Mosquitto. That works fine. But I’m thinking of placing 1 or 2 zigbee (end-)devices in the garden. I’m talking about a distance of about 100m from the closest router, with just 1 place in between where I could place an additional zigbee router. And that one place has a metal roof and a metal garage door, so maybe not the ideal location for signal transmitting.

So… there are a few options, I believe:

  • install an second gateway (either wifi or ethernet connection to the home), and run the zigbee devices back there as a separate network
  • install a repeater and hope that the signal extends far enough to create a single mesh

Of course, 1 network is probably the easiest to work with. But before I buy anything, maybe you guys have some do’s and don’ts?

If you do 1, you will need to look at a second Zigbee integration. (Z2M, etc.) because one integration. One controller (stick)

You can absolutely have two integrations (not the same one unfortunately) but not one driving two sticks.

Consider that while planning.

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