Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

ok, thanks for your answer :+1:

You can do exactly what you want. For me whole card consits of 5 lights :

All the lights have sliders, as you can see the ones which are off or unavailable have the sliders hidden

Please see the example code :

  - type: conditional
      - entity: light.tasma_led_rgbww
        state_not: 'on'
      type: custom:mushroom-light-card
      entity: light.tasma_led_rgbww
      icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
      name: TV LED
      hide_state: true
  - type: conditional
      - entity: light.tasma_led_rgbww
        state: 'on'
      type: custom:mushroom-light-card
      entity: light.tasma_led_rgbww
      icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
      name: TV LED
      show_color_temp_control: true
      show_brightness_control: true
      hide_state: true
      use_light_color: true
      show_color_control: true

Hey @piitaya I keep getting the following error when I try to add the repo as Lovelace: "Repository structure for v0.0.2 is not compliant"
Any idea what may be causing this?
I already had the following in my config file so I did not change it since it seemed the same as your instructions:

    - /hacsfiles/hass-hue-icons/hass-hue-icons.js
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

Would love to get this beautiful frontend working.
Sorry for being a noob.
Thank you :pray:

There is 2 projects :

  • Mushroom : contain all the cards available in HACS
  • Mushroom Themes : contains themes to improve Mushroom experience (rounded border radius). It’s not available on HACS. I just wait the approval.

I think you tried to install the theme avec a lovelace component. Just search for Mushroom in HACS. After that, you can add Mushroom Theme as custom repository (category theme) if you want but it’s optional.

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Thank you Paul. I already had Mushroom installed through HACS. Chose Lovelace instead of Theme when adding your theme as a custom repo :man_facepalming:
Since you are so responsive, lol, how do I get the chips card to display the current weather with the temperature? I have a chip that only shows a sun. I would like to see the temp, for example, and I couldn’t find examples of what it should be. I have tried using but I cannot get it to show the weather properly.
Any idea how I get the weather chip to show other parameters?
thank you so much for replying so quickly. :pray:

With the weather chip, you can select ‘show_conditions’ et ‘show_tempeature’ options for that.


This is prob the issue ( see code), it’s only looking for 60%.

  alias: office_fan_set_speed
  - service: input_number.set_value
      entity_id: input_number.office_fan_percentage
      value: '{{ percentage }}'
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 500
  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: input_number.office_fan_percentage
        state: '60.0'
      - service: script.fan_office_60

Thought I would post my current UI built on Mushroom, Im so impressed with these cards as a simple and fast way to make a beautiful UI for HA. I had been using custom button cards for a long time and find the yaml tedious and slow and I never really got what I wanted. In a day I made this interface for my phone and Im very happy with it. My only requests would be a Climate card and to be able to set the state to a different entity from the entity the card is using.

Gogle Drive - Lovelace YAML download


super cool stuff!

may I ask how did you manage to include graphs ?
SOmehow mini-graph-card inside ?

Do you mind sharing your yaml?

Ah I see, you add them twice. Clever! :wink: Thanks for sharing :+1:

Hi @HelL5toKe.
I’m working on a similar setup and have 3 questions I’m currently facing:
How do you resize and position the buttons in your TV remote view?
What do you do, so you don’t have to re-do the header with the chips in every view?
How did you make the hamburger menu button in the home view?

The hamburger menu button is part of the Chips card


I think we are all waiting for your dashboards code :smiley:
at least I see bunch of ideas I could use!

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This is amazing. I’ve been playing with it for 24 hours and I keep changing things as I see other possibilities.

Also, the speed at which these guys are moving adding features based on requests is scary! :smiley:

Looking forward to see the future of this. As someone said, I see this one becoming a reference.

Thanks mate!

yes the graphs are mini graph cards, here is the config:

animate: true
decimals: 1
  - entity: sensor.lounge_humidity
    color: '#a1dcff'
    name: Lounge
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_humid_humidity
    color: '#316ade'
    name: Bedroom
  - entity: sensor.bathroom_humid_sensor_humidity
    color: '#19b6e6'
    name: Bathroom
name: House Humidity
hour24: false
hours_to_show: 24
line_width: 3
points: false
points_per_hour: 2
  fill: fade
  icon_adaptive_color: false

sure can, here you go. FYI some of the cards like the tv remote are messy as I just used my old button card code from like a year ago and havnt cleaned it up, its on my todo list to redo that.

here is a link to my lovelace code as its to long to post here:

Google drive - lovelace


Hi there,

the TV remote is a bit of a mess tbh, im going to redo it with new stuff I have learnt and make it cooler. next on my project list. its made from custom button cards and vertical stacks with custom:layout-card as formatting for each row. I use this to set the columns:

      grid-template-columns: 35px 1fr 1fr 1fr 0px

here is the google drive file for my yaml code:
Google Drive YAML file

for the chips at the top I make a master card using condition chips with all the chips I want to show at different times/situations then I copy the code and paste it to every view. best to do this in yaml view to save time.

Hamburger view is a chip and the I use card mod to remove the home assistant menu, here is the card mod code for your themes mushroom yaml:

  card-mod-theme: "Mushroom"
  card-mod-root: |
    app-toolbar {
      display: none;
  card-mod-view-yaml: |
    "*:first-child$": |
      #columns .column > * {
        padding-left: 5px;
        padding-right: 5px;
        padding-bottom: 5px;

This work is amazing, game changer! Completely redid my mobile dashboard thank you!

One question / request. I have some light dimmers but no color, the sliders are gold but my dashboard is blue and black. Any way to change to a custom color?

Does anyone know if it is possible to create line breaks in the template card?