I have read several posts (mostly dating ~2020) of this issue. However, unfortunately I have not been able to fix this issue based on the information I have found. I hope to find someone to help me fix this issue, because I believe I have it narrowed down to be an issue in HA (most likely a configuration issue from my end).
My setup:
I use several Lonsonho Zigbee dimmers in combination with Zigbee2Mqtt. The dimmers are also connected to a physical pulse switch. This is basically working very well, except for my issue.
My issue:
Whenever I use the dimmer using the physical switch, everything works perfectly. Both turning on/off and dimming works fine. Turning the lights on and off using the HA entity also works. Dimming using the HA entity also works. However, whenever I turn the lights OFF using the HA entity, the brightness will also be set to 0. When turning the lights ON using the HA entity the brightness will automatically be set back to the original brightness. However (this is my issue) when I turn on the lights with the physical switch after turning the lights off using the HA entity, the brightness stays at 0. This results in the lights being turned on, but as the brightness is 0, in fact they are not lit.
I can ‘fix’ this issue by turning the brighness up either with the physical switch (guessing if the lights are turned on and than long press the switch to cycle the brightness), or by using the HA entity.
I am looking for a way that turning the lights OFF using the HA entity (or Node-red; this results in the same at the moment) does not impact the brightness. I see no reason to impact brightness when sending an ON or OFF command.
Basically my expection is: brightness 0 == OFF, but OFF =/= brightness 0