I have set up the zigbee network so that the ikea controllers control the ikea bulbs directly, that way the light will work even without HA running (in case I’m out and the HA fails for some reason, the family can still turn on/off most of the light).
In the integration I now see 5 groups under lights all called ‘Tradfri on/off switch’, they weren’t there previously.
I don’t know if it’s because of an upgrade or if I did the above ‘direct pairing’.
I haven’t set up any groups?
Do I need to do that to make it tidy, or what?
Remote control groups with lights in them will be created in hass. You can turn off groups in the integration options
Ok, in the danish translation it says ‘allow’ groups to be transferred, as I don’t have any groups I thought that it wouldn’t create groups. I’ll turn it off to get rid of them. I guess I have to remove the integration and put it back to clean them out.
Remotes with lights connected also have a group representation