My first automation didn't run correctly

Hi guys,

I’m moving over from OpenHab to HASS.IO.
And to be honest, I wish I would have done this months ago…

However I am having some trouble running my first automation.
According to the logs it DID run, but nothing happened.

# Reset kWh teller water boiler
alias: Reset Meter Boiler
  - at: '00:01'
    platform: time
  - service: script.reset_energy_meters

I use this to reset my Fibaro Wall Plug energy meter. (Z-wave)
What am I doing wrong here?
Edit: My scripts.yaml file is empty. Is “reset_energy_meters” predefined?

It’s a service not a script.

  - service: utiltiy_meter.reset
    entity_id: utility_meter.your_utility_meter_entity_id_here

Hello Zweetkonijn,
and welcome to the forum. I think the transition from openHAB will not be easy for you, (I could not handle openHAB at all!) But I think the people here in the forum will be happy to support you and give you tips


For anyone in the future who is having trouble configuring their Fibaro wall plug.

This code did the trick, now it resets every time at 0:01 am.

# Reset kWh teller water boiler
  - alias: Reset Meter Boiler
      - at: '00:01'
        platform: time
        - service: zwave.reset_node_meters
          data: {"node_id":2}