My Pi hung

my pi hung the other day and took a power cycle to bring it back up. unfortanatly I didn’t see anything on the console except wlan errors. (I am not using wifi, only the cable).

what is the best way to get to the messages or syslog to see if anything was logged? I tried the ssh component but there isn’t any logs. I am guessing that’s a chrooted environment?

BTW I have only had this up and running going on 1.5 weeks now. so I am pretty new… which is probably obvious by now.

The SSH add-on is a docker container and not tied to the host OS.

You probably won’t find anything in the host os but you would have to enable debugging to get to it.

So what’s the best way of finding out why my pi is hanging? I’ve replaced the ad and power supply already.

I’m getting tons of core.PIDS in the config directory too

I also have a rpi3 hassio install which has started getting a lot of core dumps in the config folder recently. Only in the last 2-3 weeks. It used to be rock solid.

I have posted a few questions on how to debug these core dumps to figure out what’s going on with no luck.

I have now moved my install onto a VM running on Unraid, which seems to be more stable. I’d love to be able to get to the bottom of these issues too.

I’d like to know more about the core os that hassio runs on to see if there is any core analysis that can be done