Thanks for the write up, that’s very useful
I just found out how the navigation bar changes with the display rotation:
When adjusting the display scaling (Android Settings > Display > Advanced) to the minimum or one step above the minimum, the navigation bar rotates with the screen. Everything higher than that leads to the known behavior, ie. the menu sticks on the short side of the screen
Sorry, didn’t check for the English option name, but I think it’s clear what I mean.
I got stuck with not having “Partition Manager” showing in the tools menu. Running QFIL “as admin” in Windows seemed to do the trick. I’m also a MacOS person but had an old Laptop in a drawer that did the trick for flashing the TSV.
I don’t know why not… but I try it with different USB cables. different ports…
and I don’t know why? help…

I just got one installed, seemed to work pretty good so far, at the beginning i had some trouble to logon my wifi network.
Tried to logon my mobile hotspot put it on 2.4 and 5 ghz to be sure as is my wifi at home.
But almost every few things i do like trying to visit a website to get webview installed the wifi drops .
Need to turn wifi off on the device and turn it on but a few scrolls and links the wifi drops again, anyone has the same experience, its making the device a bit useless or lets say it different, not very nice to have in my home for HA since it doesnt have any wan connection
Can have a go with android only install ,maybe that works , havent tried that yet.
Anyone has had this, i used these instructions to install btw : GitHub - pgale/lineage_15.1_Installation_TSV: Lenovo ThinkSmart View Lineage 15.1 installation guide thanks for that
i tried my dell laptop, left 2 usb-c ports didnt work, right port did connect or atleast i seen the com port, then got logs could not open com.
Tried my girlfriends laptop, same problem but this time usb (the “normal” one that goes to usb-c) , didnt work.
Then i used my desktop pc, and probably got a usb ( black) port on the computer, that did work flawlessly , didnt take long to flash/install it then.
So , if you have another computer that u can use, i did try at first about all the stuff i could find about the error many of us get. so maybe this helps , another computer to use.
Anything else didnt work for me tough
Works fine here. The only thing I read about wifi drops, was after the device felt to sleep (screen off).
But your description sounds different.
Have you tried it closer to rout router / access point?
Not sure how strong the wifi signal of this device is …
i have on every floor an accespoint, ubiquiti unifi roaming system. 2.4 and 5 ghz , also tried forcing it on 2.4 ghz thought maybe 5 would be the problem.
Just flashed 2 more devices those are stable , no drops, the other device i am talking about i am going to re flash it maybe that works.
Also the wifi wasnt the problem, that device im talking about also crashes and needs a power cycle after some button presses, its like its to heavy for this tablet.
spoke to someone on github also and he had from 6 units one woith exactly the same problems and could not find out or managed to repair that one
How did you setup the bottom footer with the 4 buttons? I want the same setup.
It is but I’ve not updated it for a while. I’ll have to do that.
It’s all part of bubble card. Fabulous integration/plugin and soooo much functionality. It gives all the popup functions via the buttons at the bottom.
Has anyone tried showing a doorbell ring video stream popup card yet?
Or say if baby cries show the baby cam? (I have a nanit right now and fighting to get it into uniform protect for simplicity)
I don’t understand what you’re saying on the second part of your question but I do have a CCTV camera feed on the dashboard and a second larger version in a popup (bubble card) that pops up when my reolink video doorbell detects either doorbell being pushed or a person at the door. It could be triggered by any sensor or situation. My automations also trigger a TTS message playing on the devices.
Thanks - yeah - I have a page for cameras, but really I just want the doorbell camera to pop up or one of the kids room cameras to pop up if there is Motion or line crossed (unifi cameras). The nanit is the baby camera that sits over my infants crib and detects breathing rate and can create critical alarms. Really the infant is old enough to just worry if they are crying in the night and pop the camera up so we can decide if they might go back to sleep or they need us to go in.
But good to know you have camera popups working. I’m gonna try that this weekend.
I have the doorbell ring trigger, I just need to see if I can tap into the nanit camera “baby crying” alert, or maybe another sensor to trigger the baby cam pop up
I really want to make use of this device… they are getting quite rare here in Western Europe now, I paid 120€+shipping.
But man, this EDL process is quite something! I’ve easily put 5+ hours into this already, but no real (reproduceable) luck this far!
Where do you guys all get these old (but USB-C!) cables from!? I’ve tried so many cables and so many ports… but still stuck at the ‘unable to read packet header’ and ‘Sahara protocol error’.
I’ve identified USB 2.0 ports on my mainboard, but that alone doesn’t seem sufficient. From what I’ve read, the best approach would be to cut open a cable and modify it so that it doesn’t support any faster modes anymore, but that’s a bit beyond my DIY capabilities.
Maybe it’s something entirely different I’m doing wrong. Not restarting QFIL enough? Not waiting long enough after entering EDL mode on the device before starting the transfer? Maybe I need to start QFIL only once the device is already in EDL mode? I don’t know anymore…
What OS are you running to flash your device? If it’s Windows you might want to check device manager to see if the driver has been loaded properly (no exclamation mark). As it’s unsigned Windows refuses to load it, causing the flash to fail even though it shows a COM-port.
An easy way to fix this is to boot Windows in a mode with driver signing disabled. Installing the Qualcomm drivers then should work just as the flashing itself.
Not sure what you mean by “old cables”. You just need a proper USB-C cable. I used my red OnePlus cable and it works perfectly.
Yeah, I experienced that originally. It leads to a different error message, though: ERROR: function: port_connect:99 Failed to open com port handle
. You’re right, I was able to fix that by updating the Qualcomm drivers from Windows Update.
Now I’m on the main:320
error, though. Cannot find the source right now, but I read somewhere that the reason @pgale and others recommend to use a USB 2.0 port is that you really want a connection that doesn’t negotiate any kind of modern (high-speed) connection standard. The most reliable way to accomplish this is to sever the corresponding wires in the cable. An alternative is to try ports and cables until you find one that’s just ancient enough. I haven’t had much luck with that lazier approach so far.
I have finally managed to install LineageOS on it.
In the end, I did what’s written in every guide, but I just refused to go there for so long: I switched to other machines. In my case, an older laptop did the trick. This one definitely had a USB 3.x port, and the cable was a modern one, too, but it worked nevertheless.
Once I had the right hardware, everything worked flawlessly at first try, exactly as documented in the guide. No further issues whatsoever.