My WakeOnLan seems to not work any more

I have a switch for my PC that uses WOL to turn it on, and HASS.Agent to turn it off.

- platform: wake_on_lan
  name: "Kenneths PC"
  mac: !secret kennethspcmac
  host: !secret kennethspcip
      entity_id: button.kenneths_pc_satellite_shutdown

It has worked for years.
Now all of the sudden it doesn’t work any more. I have no idea why?
I don’t see anything in the logs, the MAC or IP is the same for the PC.
Did something change in the newer versions of HA (regarding this of course).

Will the machine wake up if you issue a WoL command from another computer? The device I use for WoL will stop working if there is a power loss in my house. I have to physically power the machine on, and after that, WoL will work fine.

I finally got it working. I must somehow have changed the S4-S5 state in BIOS???
But now it’s working, and it turns off the USB power when turned off as welll.

I was NEVER able to get wol to work from ha. Impressive!