My Yamaha AV-Receiver is showing up twice

I have a Yamaha RX-V579 at home and it used to show up in HA, but only randomly show some information. That’s why I now added it to my config file:

  - platform: yamaha_musiccast

But now I have it show up twice. But the config above is the only mention of the receiver in my config-file. Can somebody tell me how to remove the automatically added instance?
One automatically added entitiy is called: media_player.wohnzimmerparty the other media_player.wohnzimmerparty_main.

The other question I have about the Yamaha… I can change source, which is super cool. But can I also define the radio-station that I am listening to? That would be awesome for automations :slight_smile:

Thanks and cheers,

Maybe it’s in the known_devices.yaml, or in the entity registry?