My Zigbee Coordinator is shown as offline, but Zigbee devices are working :-|


Just recently found the Zigbee Visualization page. On that page, my Zigbee Coordinator, i.e. the Zigbee stick attached to my HA is shown as offline. 5 devices are attached to it. 2 repeaters and 3 water leak sensors. Out of that, 2 water leak sensors are also offline.
Is anything wrong here? What can I do to get the coordinator back online?

Thanks in advance.

ZHA? Zigbee2mqtt?

I was having a similar issue when using ZHA and tcp socket based coordinator. Zigbee2mqtt was showing correct state. I was not bothered with it.

ZHA. I didn’t know there is a Zigbee to MQTT integration

It is an independent add on and works over mqtt to communicate with home assistant

I just noticed a similar problem with ZHA and my HUSBZB-1 stick. My devices SEEM to be working fine but it would be nice to know that this is just a reporting bug and not a stability bug. I didn’t notice it until today and most reports about it that I’ve seen have been in the last few months so I’m thinking it was introduced in a recent update.

Does anyone have any official word on this?

Don’t really know! My devices are still shown as offline and I just pared a IKEA remote which is not shown to be connected to the network but appear under devices list. I don’t want to move all my devices to Zigbee2mqtt or deConz just yet. Trying to get the remote to fire events which also not happening!