MyQ Problems and Potential Workaround

Like many users on here, I’ve had problems with the MyQ integration breaking on a regular basis. It surely appears to be caused by MyQ constantly changing its API, possibly with the intent of breaking third-party integrations like that used by HA. (Some people say this is done to protect their subscription revenue, but I can’t imagine that many people are paying the subscription to just get IFTTT support. It’s a lot of work and risk just to frustrate free integrations. But I digress…)

I am looking at a potential workaround that doesn’t require a seemingly expert piece of hardware (e.g., Konnected, as suggested by @Bill_Sweeney) or another cloud polling device. In particular, there are these Insignia Wi-Fi Garage Door Controllers for Apple HomeKit (Model:NS-CH1XGO8) from Best Buy that provide a simple bridge between your garage hardwired button and your HomeKit hub. They don’t get the best of reviews, but they’re not that bad either. And I think a lot of the frustrations people are having are caused by weak wifi or user error.

But, it’s worth a shot trying these: you can pick up used or refurbished ones cheap on eBay. I just bought 2 for a total of $30 ($15 each), including shipping.

I’m wondering if anyone has integrated these using the HomeKit Controller integration?

Frankly, I don’t need them to work with HA; I mainly use HA as a HomeKit bridge (I feel its better than HomeBridge), so I integrate HomeKit devices directly into HomeKit. But, that said, I still might want to run it through HA for certain reasons.

Either way, if you’re frustrated with a MyQ hub that’s added onto your garage door, these cheap devices might do the trick, even if you aren’t an Apple HomeKit user. Just use the HA Controller.

Since I’m trying to keep my system out if the cloud the Konnected solution is by far the best solution. @Lenexa-Todd the Konnected setup is by no means a setup for experts only. If you are capable of building a Home Assistant setup on a Raspberry PI then you are definitely capable of building a solution with Konnected.

@Bill_Sweeney Thanks for clarifying. Admittedly I’ve not looked closely at Konnected. I might have to give it a try.

I also gave up on MyQ. As of today its working again, but it is time to move on.

I went with Moe’s Garage Door Opener after seeing digiblur’s video.

My solution was the following:
One of these:
One of these:

Install the dry contact adapter to the opener as described in their instructions. Red and White go to corresponding colors on the back of the opener. The speaker wire will connect to the red and white on the Moe’s harness. I used the included 3M tape to secure both to the top of the opener.

Flashed the Moe’s module with Tasmota over the air.
Applied template and rules as instructed here by digiblur:
Add info to config file in home assistant also as described by digilur on the same page.

Overall was about 45 min worth of work and pretty easy if you are somewhat handy.

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