I’m using now homeassistant + mysensor in three locations.
It’s realy cool to use it.
In one of those, I’m using homeautomation to regulate 650m² in temperature with mysensors connected to the boiler.
And with my home, I received Slack messages when a friend ring at the door.
But, (because there is always a “but”) some times, my sended message are sometimes failing. Then to be reliable, I have to send three times the command with a delay of 1 second betwen those commands.
Is that possible, in the mysensor component to resend message if a fail is encountered? Normally, if you send 6 times a message with fails, then mysensors device wil search a new way.
Is that possible?
Perhaps it’s possible, but with 20 relays, it’s really loud to make 20 automation with this correction.
And I think it’s problem in the “protocol communication”, not in my automation or GUI.
Today, my wife say to me “why I will click manytimes to switch on or off the light???”
I had the same sort of issue with changing the state of 2 switches too quickly…you shouldnt have to put a 1 second delay in…i currently have a delay(20) just after i change a state and that fixed the issue for me…