Nabu Casa Down? 2022/05/21

Anyone else unable to access HA due to issues with Nabu Casa?

Getting the following error in HA:

Unable to connect: 504, message='Invalid response status', url=URL('wss://')

Working for me

I didn’t notice any issues then Google Assistant responded that the device I was trying to control was not setup. Checked Google Home and all of my HA devices were offline. I’ve rebooted HA and now it’s showing connected. Actually, I just tried to go to and I got this:

statusCode: 404,
message: "Cannot GET /",
error: "Not Found"

Maybe that isn’t a valid endpoint?

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Working here too…

It happened to me also… All good now.

Should be restored now. There were some stability improvement updates (Discord link) rolled out last night that caused some issues.

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This is happening again just now. (Since weekend it worked fine after several days with issues)

Unable to connect: 504, message=‘Invalid response status’, url=URL(‘wss://’)

Seems like it is down again. :frowning: I might need to think about setting up my own external DNS entry and tunnel.

Maybe this is a problem with the Google Home integration. Most of my Home Assistant devices are offline in Google Home.

Once again I am getting this problem, happens about once a week.

I appear to be having this issue - stuck on ‘fetching subscription’ and if I try to login to my Nabu Casa URL I get secure connection fail.

I just checked but for me my entire HA instance is unavailable even locally. I feel like the latest HA update must have had something bad in it that totally took out HA. It was working fine right after the update last night.

So just a follow up, I ended up rebooting my HA host however even afterwards I was having issues. I have AdGuard DNS and the app running on my phone and that seems to also be part of the problem. If you have AdGuard running in some form try disabling it.

I’m going to have to do some digging. I almost feel like someone put some sort of tracking into the latest update of HA and now AdGuard is trying to block things.

Then you have absolutely no understanding of the aims of the Home Assistant project. Please don’t make unsubstantiated claims like this.

Then it has nothing to do with Nabu Casa.

@tom_l OK, I think you need to chill. There are far better ways to respond to people then to come across as lashing out.

I also don’t inherently blindly trust everything, and with the state of supply chain attacks on the rise it’s far better to be overly cautious these days. I certainly wasn’t implying that the HA app team was doing something intentionally nefarious.

In the end this was me just getting used to using AdGuard on my phone and being a bone head to realize that turning on the AdGuard DNS with the local VPN connection will of course not allow any of my local DNS to resolve. However the external Nabu Casa domain name was also not resolving which was odd, but in the end I found that I could put the Home Assistant app on the list in AdGuard to completely bypass the filtering.

Did you miss the part where I said “please”. I am not lashing out.

Good. That still does not give you licence to make wild and unsubstantiated claims.

There you go. No nefarious plan to track you at all.

I’ll just say this when you make statements such as

does not give you licence to make wild and unsubstantiated claims.

those are what make you come across as being defensive and lashing out. Just saying. And I also originally clearly phrased what I said as

I feel like

Discounting people’s perceptions and labeling them as “claims” is a bit of a defensive stance as well.


" extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

The onus to provide this is not on me, and if you understood the aims of the Home Assistant project you would understand how extraordinary your claim was.

Everything in this project is about giving the user control and (unless the user chooses to) bypassing cloud control and big data tracking.

Apologies if I offended you.