I have set up Nabu Casa Home Assistant Cloud and can use the remote control URL without issue. When I try and link Google Home to Home Assistant Cloud by Nabu Casa it prompts me to allow access, says signing in and then shows linking account. However, at this point it comes up with “Couldn’t update the setting. Check your connection.” and nothing appears in the Linked accounts list.
If I go into my google account in a browser and check in security I can see that it is showing as linked.
I’ve tried unlinking it and going through the process again but it makes no difference.
I read that some people have had issues with the username being entered in a different case so I’ve checked that and it is identical - keep coming back to that error.
Please can someone help me with this, it’s driving me mad!
Thanks in advance,
No sooner than I posted I found out what was causing the issue. It was one of the devices that was enabled to sync with google. A light had some extra config in configuration.yaml which seemed to break the whole thing.
Initially I removed the device and it synced, then I removed the additional config and could sync that light too.
The config was:
# Adds more functionality to TCP light in Office
light.282065622462ab0daa1f: #entity name
supported_features: 191
The bulb is capable of changing colour so that’s why the extra config was added, it wasn’t working without the config that I found someone else using.
Posting this as it might help someone else - look at removing devices from the “manage entities” section and see if it syncs. I took all out but one and worked up from there effectively.
I’m just commenting to thank you for this. I was running into this same issue trying to re-link HA to Google Home and I followed your advice and removed every device from syncing with Google in the manage entities section. I was able to link HA in Google Home then add the devices back to sync with Google. You’re a lifesaver!
Awesome, so glad it helped you! I felt daft posting my update so now I’m glad I did 
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This was exactly my problem too. I thought it was Ad guard blocking the sync.
I deleted my Nabu Casa account and tried to re add it, and it was still being blocked.
As soon as I disabled the light that I had added custom supported features to (Arlec LED Strip) in Google Assistant exposed entities, it synced up.