NBN Change - Access HA with DuckDNS

I have HA setup on an Intel NUC and its been running really smoothly with DuckDNS and I could access it at any time and also with Google Assistant. I moved my internet to another ISP/NBN Provider last night and I can no longer access it. I’ve checked everything I’ve done on my config and it all just looks at my DuckDNS name. I confirmed that my IP is correct in DuckDNS and I’m a bit lost and unsure what else to check. Any suggestions?

When I try top open HA with my DNS I just get:

Unable to connect to Home Assistant.
Retrying in 32 seconds…

Are you sure the public IP address of your router matches that reported on the DuckDNS website?

If not your new ISP is probably using CGNAT, which is incompatible with DuckDNS. I had to ask for it to be turned off on one ISP I was using.

Try restarting the addon.

Check with your new ISP if they block any ports or dynamicDNS services

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Aahhhh ok yea you got it. I remember I had to request the ISP to remove CGNAT (or bypass ir something) when I was playing games (I was with them before but moved and now back coz of a Black Friday deal). I’ll get them to allow that. Million tx :slight_smile:

Solution - @tom_l huge tx for that. I contacted the ISP and opted out of their CGNAT and all works again.

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