Need a little help with a sensor

I want to add a water levelsensor in HA
But i am complete new in this world
Niveau Sensor for 0 ~ 190 Ohm

Anyone ideas

Many Thanks

Do you have a model #?
It is probably 0-10V or 2-20mA output. You need to know the operating voltage.

The sensor dont need power its reading empty 0 ohm and full 190 ohm when it is in water or fuel…

I think the easiest way is using ESPHome. To me ESPHome is the easiest way to add sensors in Home Assistant.

I am guessing if you search on this forum with the term: “ESPHome water level sensor” you will probably find a lot of relevant topics.

Do you already have a running Home Assistant installation?

I found this tutorial with the similar sensor you provided in combination with an arduino board: Measure Fuel Level With Arduino : 4 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

You might can be inspired by the circuit described in that tutorial. Although that uses an arduino. And instead of an Arduino I guess it would be easier to use an ESP32 in combination with ESPHome.

it is variable resistor?

Wow !!!
Many thanks !!!

Yess if its in water or fuel goes from 0 to 190 ohm