Need advice on Water tank level monitoring

Examples of Pump Controller settings:

I originally had one of their tank level measuring devices. Then it stopped working. At the same time i became interested in HA and what microcontrollers can do.
My investigation of the Smart Water system showed a failure of connection in wiring in the completely sealed housing.(it wasn’t completley sealed once I broke it apart to investigate) One of the wires had somehow got corrosion inside and then broke.
In my discussion with them about this and any replacement I mentioned I was going the HA route and could i integrate their wireless transponding data into HA. Short answer - NO. Not sure if you despise ‘smart’ apps like me but I don’t wnat to have 30 different ‘smart’ apps on my phone and have to scroll through them
So I tried a few differrent things and I am very happy with the current setup of a gravity throw in and a shelly uni.

Hi Patraff,
Thanks for the feed back.
Like you I am not a fan of needing multitudes of smart apps on my 'phone. I have four (Control4 (Automation) , Smartwater (tank level and pump control), SkyCommand (alarm) and (Solar PV) With those 4 apps, I can manage the necessary infrastructure of the house from anywhere that the internet is available. We need provide our own drinking water, effluent treatment and power.
My brother, who is a farmer in Australia, manages several adjoining farms. I think he has about 20 remote tanks on his network. He has been using SmartWatwe products for over ten years., and is generally happy with their performance. His only complaint is that the internal batteries in the tank senders can’t be replace. However, it is possible to use an external power supply (solar panel and battery), which can be connected to the power in socket on the tank sender.

I do have tank sender installed in the top of the effluent treatment tank, it is a pretty harsh environment and so far I have no leaks or corrosion issue.

Again thank for the feedback.
